
Maleny State High School Parents’ and Citizens’ Association (P&C)


​​​​​​P & C

The Maleny State High School Parents & Citizens Association provides an opportunity for parents, carers and community members to play an important part in the educational experiences of MSHS students.

Our P & C Executives

Lauren Blake - President 
Jaqui Watkins - Vice President
Edwina Cameron - Treasurer
Julie Tayyah - Secretary

The M.S.H.S. P&C Association provides a forum to consider options for supporting teachers, staff, students and other parents as we work together to maintain a centre for educational excellence.

It is the aim of the P&C to facilitate communication between the school and parents. As well as assisting both parents and staff to better understand and meet the needs of Maleny State High School students. Parents, carers and community members are encouraged to become active contributors to the development of the MSHS community.


We encourage parents, carers and community members to come along to P&C meetings to mix with current members and staff to understand what is going on within the school community.
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm, except when they fall during a school holiday.
Where: The school admin building

Objectives and functions

The M.S.H.S. P&C Association is formed to enable parents, carers and interested community members to be actively involved in the school’s operations.

The objectives of the P&C are to:
  1. Promote the interests of the school and it's students
  2. Assist with the school’s development and improvement

The functions of the P&C are:

  1. Fostering general community interest in educational issues
  2. Fostering general community interest in school related issues
  3. Providing advice and recommendations to the Principal and other staff members on issues that effect students and the general operations of the school
  4. Providing financial or other resources through fund raising activities for the development of an optimum learning environment

Fundraising Initiatives

The Maleny State High School P&C sponsors several fundraiser's throughout the school year. The P&C depends on the success of these fundraiser's to help support the needs of our school.

Don't forget to select Maleny State High School P&C as your designated Community Group when you shop at the Maleny IGA!

Join the Maleny State High School P&C!

As a volunteer organization, the Maleny State High School P&C relies on its dedicated members to accomplish its goals. We encourage parents, teachers, school staff, grandparents, student alumni, community members and businesses to join.

Who can join the P&C? 
Everyone is welcome to be a member of the Maleny State High School P&C!
Parents, guardians, staff, teachers, grandparents, other family members, citizens and friends! 

What does the P&C do?
The Maleny State High School P&C helps fund student enrichment, social family events, new equipment, new technology, and much more!

Do P&C members have to attend meetings?
As a member of P&C you are not required to attend P&C meetings, but we would love to have you! To join, please print and complete the below membership form and return it to the school.

For general inquiries please email

Last reviewed 28 January 2025
Last updated 28 January 2025