Maleny SHS encourages students to get hands-on work sampling through the Work Experience Program. Students develop a better understanding of the work environment and employers’ expectations. They have an opportunity to explore possible career options to help make an informed decision before committing to a pathway and they develop increased motivation to continue study or change career pathways while there is time.
Work experience is often a way for schools and students to engage with local employers to find employment opportunities for students looking to start a SAT. This also provides the student with valuable experience on their resume and potential industry references when finding SAT opportunities.
Students and parents can reach out to potential employers or organisations to enquire about work experience or engage with organisations who have already partnered with MSHS. Once a work experience placement has been sourced, it must be arranged through the school to ensure the student is protected and covered by insurance (Work Cover and Public Liability Insurance). MSHS delivers work experience during Week 10 Term 3.
When assessment occurs in the work environment as a mandatory part of a student's VET course of study, this is not work experience. If the attendance at a workplace is required to complete a unit/s of competency and students have compulsory assessment during these placements, this is known as a vocational placement.